Hey there,
nice that you found your way to my new website Hostingscams.com!
There are hundreds of hosting services and internet service providers (ISPs) out there. And to separate the good from the bad ones and from the scams, I’ve founded Hostingscams.com.
On this website, you can find out every detail about a hosting service and you can share your positive or negative experiences about the hosting services your currently use. This will help other visitors when they are checking for new services and stop them from falling into a scam.
Right now the website is still very new and I’m expanding it page by page.
If a hosting provider is missing or you have a suggestion for this website, feel free to reach out to me via the contact form.
Your Nicholas Ambrose

Working with websites since 2014 I know how hard it is to find a reliable hosting service and how it feels to choose the wrong one and to pay twice or even get scammed. With Hostingscams.com I want to help you pick the right one, stay safe, and share your experience.